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Mente, diaframma, corpo

Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...

12 July 2010


Holly is apparentely a calm person, he tries to be that,
he tries to smile to others, he wants to, but suddenly...
explosions of hate, why you did that to me? why?
He is also jealous, but he tries not to be, he wants,
but only a whisper, a sign and.. omg, what she is doing now?
And a shiver of jealousy takes him and doesn't go away
until he is not sure again she is a faithfull lady.

A car blows his horn to him... damn!
He explodes his rage, he get's down, he can't stop, that was too much,
at this point he can punch the other, he has no control,
but here the other says: 'my fault' and immediately he calms down,
he smiles: 'oh, yes, maybe was also my faul, I'm sorry, can we be friends?

He tries to flow in life, but often the sun doesn't rise,
often he doesn't see the big design in the situation,
often he thinks people attack him, he doesn't realize that he is attacking.
Holly is frightened underneath, he reacts violently when he feels attack,
he must rely on God and see that he is always protected by Him.

Jesus was Holly, he was in the negative state with the mercants at the temple, with the ficus with no fruits, he was in the positive state when he was Christ.

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