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Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...

16 July 2010

Rock Water

Rock Water is a stiff old man, he knows he is near God, he tried everything to reach him, but in vain… he is sitting there in meditation waiting, trying everything to feel God in himself; he knows a lot about the meaning of life, he can help people, but he cannot help himself. One day he will understand that what was missing was the flowing, he will understand that all that high ideals that he had where not God, they where only stupid ideas of his ego to feel he was a god, all those stiff high thoughts, his morals, were bringing him far from the goal.
One day, tired of all this, he sat in a field looking at boys and girls playing, one boy broke out… “God damn”… the boy stopped and, frightened, he looked at the old man, he knew he said a terrible thing, he repeated without thinking what he heard from others, now he was frightened of the old man, of his reaction, of what he would have said. The old man started laughing at him, he ran to the boy and he lifted him to the sky still laughing full of joy: thanks little friend, now I understood, god damn… hahaha, do you hear everyone? God is laughing too with us, what can a god damn be for him? How could we, for thousand of years, think with our pride that we can make God not laugh? All the boys and girls where happy and laughing with the old man, they knew somehow that the old man was telling them that life was easy like the game they where playing.

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