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Mente, diaframma, corpo

Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...

08 June 2010


Human being lack of deepness,
they travel in life only touching the surface of things,
of relations,
they understand really little of what happens.
Only in great pain and despair they search for comfort, solution
and even can ask God for help and understanding.

I often get in deep love pain... only to be near God?
Seems really a stupid way for that!

No Carlo, you are not right, they are only afraid,
they are so afraid that they need to build their life.
Nobody tells them is not correct, nobody tells them that they can flow...
Only in pain, like you say, all the construction falls apart
and they are natural, open, open even at God.
Human being need to rely on God, but not the god they think they know,
they need to flow and feel God always near them, helping them in every moment,
but for this they must "not want what they want",
but only what God gives them,
cause He always know what is best for everybody.

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